CustEx case study

CustEx is our flagship product, in which we have invested the know-how we have gained over the last nine years from working with the Czech population in the areas of public opinion, psycho-sociological research and mass communication.

CustEx is an extremely powerful upselling, cross-selling and data mining tool that can help your business to monetize customers much better and offer them more accurate products and services.

What is the current situation on the Czech market? The vast majority of online shops, companies and organizations send all customers from their database an identical letter with identical offers. We see incorrect or non-existent polling. An inappropriate tone of voice. No possibility to respond. Those who talk to their customers at all often do so using automated questionnaires. 

These huge e-mail databases, however, hide an enormous business and marketing potential: structuring offers all the way from marketing to storage.

If only you knew how to ask. And
about a thousand other things.

There are plenty of players on the market, especially from the Big Four, who use their own custom solutions. We have developed our solution from scratch, as we always do when we create something. We have built a new data team consisting of analysts, sociologists, data and marketing experts.

These experts all have a deep knowledge of human and consumer psychology, and they are very well aware of the barriers that prevent customers from telling us how they feel and what they would appreciate.

We have been developing CustEx for
over a year. Let us introduce it to
you with a single figure: 20%.

We have measured what is probably the largest dataset in history, from which we have extracted segments that we are testing further. And that includes customers who did not respond to our outreach.

We are able to distinguish between customers who want to buy the same products over and over again and those who want to discover new products – and upsell both groups.

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